12 Rakaat Sunnah Muakkadah. Untuk shalat rawatib yang hukumnya sunnah muakkadah total keseluruhannya ada 12 rakaat. Two rakaat after the two rak at at the end of maghrib prayer 5.
Every muslim male or female is recommended to pray 12 rakaá of sunnah supererogotory prayers every day four if these raáka before zuhr prayers two after it two after maghrib two after isha and two before the fajr these supererogatory prayers are called rawatib which means regular supererogatory optional prayers. Ibn abidin raddu l mukhtar cairo 1272 1324 i 70 some scholars think sunnah muakkadah were performed continuously by our prophet. These are the practices that our prophet performed continuously and rarely left.
Hajj umrah 14.
Four rakaat before fardh of asr prayer 4. Two rakaat after the four two rak at of sunnah at the end of dhuhr prayer 3. These are the practices that our prophet performed continuously and rarely left. Four rakaat before fardh of asr prayer 4.